3 Easy Steps to Rekindle Your Passion After Feeling Fed Up

Boredom demotivates us from many relationship and jobs

Maliha Noushin
5 min read3 days ago
Photo by Gabriel Meinert on Unsplash

People who feel frustrated and caught in a rut frequently complain about monotony, which is a surefire way to get in trouble.

In life, there are moments when you feel as though you’ve lost your way or that nothing is the same as it once was.

It feels like your everyday routine involves pushing a huge stone up a hill and watching it roll back down again, just like the Greek story of Sisyphus.

This is your life; wash, rinse, repeat. Your zest is lacking. Where has your luck gone?

Do you feel a little dull and uninspired? How did this come about? You had lofty aspirations. You were prepared.

Everything was going great until it wasn’t. You’ve had enough; it’s time for a shift!

You sigh, press your shoulder into the rock, and push upward again, but you’re stuck.

When you’re tired, what can you do?

The critical distinction is that Sisyphus rolled the rock because he thought it was his fate and didn’t question it.

You do not own it.



Maliha Noushin

Every incident is like a story. Everything can be Expressed Through beautiful writing. I write about writing, marketing & Medium .